Monday, July 11, 2011

New Study: Only 7.5 Percent of Fans See Your Facebook Page Posts

On average, 7.9% of Facebook fans see fan page updates on a daily basis. When you look specifically at Facebook pages with over a million fans, the number drops to 2.79%.

Facebook makes it very easy to “like” a page, but “unliking” is a little tricky. Many people aren’t aware that you can use that X next to an update to hide posts or “unlike” the page. Because of this, they continue to subscribe with no interest in reading or responding to updates.

It seems pretty depressing.


  1. Wow I thought it was more like 0,33%!

  2. I make sure to regularly unlike fanpages I never view.

  3. I don't think I "like" anything on facebook.

  4. This is very... depressing. Facebook has become an interesting part of life that is not a well developed functioning system.
