Sunday, August 7, 2011

Inventor Makes Water Out of Thin Air

Terry LeBleu of Granite Shoals, Texas, creates a machine called the Drought Master, that makes water out of thin air.

The Drought Master’s generator sucks in moisture-laden air, condenses it, then exhausts the purified air and captures the water, which is filtered and ready for drinking. ”These make pure water,” LeBleu says. “The water never touches the ground. It is strictly straight out of the air. We have oceans of water in the air, in the sky. All you have to do is pull it out and condense it down.” The clever invention is now on the market, and locals are already using it to beat the severe drought.

Drought Master comes in 27 different styles and costs between $499 amd $519.


  1. It's just like moisture farming on Tatooine!

  2. That is awesome, never go thirsty again.

    Though your wallet will hurt for a while.

  3. I'm going to test mine out in the desert.

  4. genius. Esp for Texas and their drought right now.

  5. wow, i can see this saving lives if used in the right areas

  6. Thats a great creation. I wonder if there is any way to make a huge version of that.

  7. This invention can help some places

  8. Have seen passive condensers used to great effect. We all should have a few actually!

  9. soooo... a dehumidifier with a filter?
